Indian filmmaker Karan Johar is showering love on Shah Rukh Khan on the occasion of the star’s birthday as Shah Rukh turns 56 today, Johar is touching an extraordinarily kind man who is a leading actor.
“I first met him on Kiran Arjun’s set. I was tagged to hang out with Kajol with my father. I didn’t realize I was going to meet someone who was my life. , Will shape my career and my life. Very; his charisma and intelligence is a world-famous fact; but I have the honor to see his humanity and heart; an incomparable father; a rock solid Husband… a loving brother and an indispensable friend…, ”
Karan Johar said. Long post for her birthday.
He continued, “He is everything and much. I love you very much, brother. May your every prayer be answered and may your unconditional love continue to come your way. Happy Birthday!”
Karan and SRK have acted together in several films, including My Name Is Khan, Kabhi Khushi Kabhi Gham and Kabhi Alvida Na Kehna.